Year 6 English end of year expectations
Reading, Speaking and Listening
- Refer to text to support opinions and predictions.
- Give a view about choice of vocabulary, structure, etc.
- Distinguish between fact and opinion.
- Appreciates how a set of sentences has been arranged to create maximum effect.
- Recognise complex sentences
- Skims and scans to aid note-taking.
- To know not to interrupt when someone else is saying something.
- Present a spoken argument that develops coherently and logically and supports its points with evidence and persuasive language
- Use subordinate clauses to write complex sentences.
- Use passive voice where appropriate.
- Use expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely (e.g. The fact that it was raining meant the end of sports day).
- Use a sentence structure and layout matched to requirements of text type.
- Use semi-colon, colon or dash to mark the boundary between independent clauses.
- Use colon to introduce a list and semi colon within a list.
- Use correct punctuation of bullet points.
- Use hyphens to avoid ambiguity.
- Use full range of punctuation matched to requirements of text type.
- Use wide range of devices to build cohesion within and across paragraphs.
- Use paragraphs to signal change in time, scene, action, mood or person.
- Write legibly, fluently and with increasing speed.