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Our Wider Curriculum

Our Curriculum Goals

We have carefully crafted a broad and balanced curriculum for our children, with the aim of fully immersing our children in their learning. We aim to inspire a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people, past and present. Our children see themselves represented in the curriculum and appreciate the world as diverse, valuing the contributions of different groups.

Pupils are equipped with a breadth of knowledge and skills, which they apply to future learning (further detail can be found on our Curriculum pages). Children will know more, remember more and understand more.

What you can’t see, you can’t be!

We follow the National Curriculum and ensure curriculum breadth, whilst simultaneously considering the context of our wonderfully multi-cultural school community. It is important to us that our children see themselves represented in our curriculum; we want our children to aspire to be Historians, Geographers, Scientists, Artists…and what you can’t see, you can’t be. In our curriculum, children learn about a diverse range of periods (such as the Islamic Golden Age) and celebrate the achievements of a diverse range of influential figures. In Geography, children proudly locate countries special to them, from Romania to India.

Inclusivity at the Heart

All pupils are able to access the curriculum and make progress, evidencing their learning in a variety of ways. We were invited to share our inclusive practice on a recent ISO visit to Park Road; you can read more here:

ISO visit to Park Road | Kirklees SEND Local Offer (kirkleeslocaloffer.org.uk)

Developing our Curriculum

Our Knowledge, Skills and Understanding documents in the Foundation subjects outline ambitious end points for each year group. These small steps clearly set out what we intend children to know and be able to do across their time in school. Lessons are enquiry based and aim to develop children’s disciplinary knowledge, so they understand what it means to think and work like a Historian, Geographer, Scientist and more…Take a look at our Curriculum pages to learn more.

A Culture of Learning

Our goal is for our children to become life-long learners. Our own staff take part in regular CPD in order to develop their own expertise and knowledge. They have opportunities to collaborate with colleagues, share best practice and take part in half-termly ‘Curriculum Conversations’ with Subject Leads.

Each term, we invite you to join out Curriculum Celebration afternoons, where you can see the fantastic work our children produce for yourselves!

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