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Welcome to Year 2!




Miss Tailor is the teacher in Year 2, assisted by Mrs Sultan teaching assistant and Thrive Practitioner.

What goes on in class?


You can help by reading a wide range of texts with your children at home, helping them to gather a wide vocabulary. 

End of year expectations


We teach our children to read using Read Write Inc Phonics, why not take a look!


Practise times tables and practise mental maths at home.

End of year expectations

Maths games & activities

Family Maths toolkit

TT Rock Stars

Wider Curriulum

PE Children to arrive in PE kit on Monday and Friday


  • Homework will be sent home on Wednesdays and should be completed by Monday of the following week. 
  • Homework will be linked with topics taught in the classroom. There will also be spellings to learn and a project to complete.
  • Please help your child to learn their spellings each week.
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