Computing and Online Safety
In our Computing lessons last term, each class went ‘Back to Basics’! In KS1, we thought about taking care of our ICT equipment, as well as recapping how to log-on and turn off laptops. Each year group also developed publishing and presentation skills, using Ms Word and Ms PowerPoint. During Spring, we will be thinking about how to search safely online, as well as developing our skills in Db Primary!
Each half-term, we also have a special online safety focus. We have been learning the SMART Rules for online safety and have been thinking about how to be a ‘Super Digital Citizen’.
Here are the SMART Rules we have been learning:
S is for Safe - You wouldn't give a stranger on the street personal information, so don't do it online. Stay safe by not posting or sharing information. This includes your name, address and password.
M is for Meet - It is dangerous to meet someone that you have talked to online but never met. Remember online friends are still dangerous.
A is for Accept - There are lots of ways to download information on the Internet. Accepting emails, texts or pictured from a source you don't know (a person or company for example) may contain viruses or inappropriate information.
R is for Reliable - Just because it is on the Internet, does not mean it is true. Anyone can add or edit information on the Internet, or even lie about who they are! Try to stick to websites you trust for information and only chat to friends and family.
T is for Tell - If anything happens that leaves you feeling worried or uncomfortable when using the Internet, you need to tell someone. The best people to talk to are adults you trust, such as teachers and parents.
At Park Road School, we also have an after-school Computing Club! So far, we have been learning how to code using Scratch and Hour of Code. We even made our own games and got the chance to play them! During the club, we have been developing our Computational Thinking skills, including our ability to:
- Identify patterns
- Correct errors (debugging)
- Break problems down into smaller steps (decomposition)
- Collaborate with our peers
If you would like your child to join Computing Club, please speak to your child’s class teacher.